July 23, 2011

Kitty-A-Thon Coming Soon!!

Today was Dog-A-Thon the shelters largest fundraising event of the year! We had a great time, great weather, and great company!

Kisses joined the IBKC team and walked for the kittehs today!

The IBKC raised over $67,000 for the shelter kitties this year! Thanks to all you wonderful people who love our kitties! Others like Kisses have a chance because of all the support we get from the community.


July 21, 2011

I'm a big girl now

Kisses is growing so fast now! She has steadily been gaining about an ounce a day. She is a (not so) heft 14.5 ounces now! She even used the litterbox for the very first time yesterday! I am so proud of her!

Now that she isn't wobbly anymore, she is quite fond of being let out of her crate to romp around. She has got quite the spunk! She will scratch on the scratching post, bat around toys and bite your fingers!

What will she think of next!?

July 18, 2011

Tater Tot Kisses

Yes, that's Kisses swallowed by Tater fluff
Now that Kisses is getting a bitsy bit bigger and doesn't wobble quite as much, she has met the resident pets. They all know she is here, but Tater Tot (my purebred Peka-poo-chi) has been DYING to smother err... I mean meet her.
These two were instant besties!

Who doesn't love some Kisses and Tater Tot!??


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