September 25, 2011

The Fab Five

 The babies went in with me to work yesterday for their weigh-ins (my scale said kaplooey ;( ) and I can't believe how much they've grown! Kipper is still the smallest by but golley he's only a coupla of ounces behind! It's funny how only 2 of them are 'true' siblings yet they've all found a way to catch up with each other and are now all within 4 ounces of each other! This will make it to where they can all be fixed and adopted out at the same time. WOOT!
Kipper has plumped up to a hefty 1pound 9 ounces! That's over a pound more than he was 2 weeks ago!! GO KIPPER GO! The others are a wee bit ahead from 1lb 11oz - 1lb 13oz. I'm such a proud momma! The fatty err..biggest is Lulu! She was only 15 ounces when she came to me! I'm happy to see them fat and happy, but of course this means they're almost ready to leave the nest. At 2lbs they will be big enough to be fixed and find homes. As always it's tough to let them go when it seems so soon, but as a foster parent , my job is to plump them for their forever families and let them fly. XOXOXOX
As for now, enjoy some more adorable kitteh pics!!     >^.,.^<

Until they all have homes...

September 23, 2011

Kitten On The Loose!

Kitten Kyootness!

Sorry for the lag in posts, my camera died and I've been a busy busy bee!! BUT, I have lots of ADORABLE pics and vids to make up for it ;)

For those of you just joining (or with short term memory loss) I will introduce the fiesty five once more.

The 'Lover Boy' Kipper

'Mrs.  Mischevious' Mackenzie

'Momma's Boy' Toley

Miss Independant Lulu

'The Talker' Cherry

September 16, 2011

The Ugly Duckling

 The first few days I had Kipper, everytime someone met him all they could comment on was how 'ugly' 'weird' or 'sick' he looked. I even joked about him being the ugliest kitten ever. He sure was a piece of work in the beginning. He was definately the ugly duckling of my batch... BUT, I knew someday he would be a beautiful swan ;)

And beautiful he is!

and he KNOWS it! =)

Not only does he look like a normal kitten, he has spunk like any other kitten too!

Go Kipper, Go!

September 13, 2011

I Introduce You To...

There was a lot of focus on Kisses while she was here, and although I can totally understand why, I would like to formally introduce you to the 5 kittens that are currently here. I'm sure most of you know Kipper, but were you all aware that I have 4 others!?? Crazy huh.

 By the way Kipper is amazing and plumping more each day! He has gone from a mere 10 ounces to his weight now of 1 pound 4 ounces! I am so proud of him. He's so happy to meet the other kittens and have friends to torture..err play with. ;-)

 As for the others. There are only 2 that are official siblings. Those are...

Cherry (orange tabby) and Mackenzie (tortie)

Then we have two little ones that came in the same day that I thought should be best buds since they were all alone. These two are...

and Toley!

And of course, last but not least is the wonderful Kipper!

I love them all to pieces!

September 11, 2011

Kisses Update!!

 Kisses' new mommy emailed me to let me know how she has done in in her new home. She is doing GREAT! She has settled in and run around the house like the confident kitty she always was. She met her new doggie friend and fellow kitties. Her family was hoping she would be buds with the doggie since he adores kitties and the others in the home aren't too interested in him. And of course, she didn't disappoint! She immediately ran up to him and played with his tail =) I knew she would make some family so happy. i am eager to hear more about how she does as she grows. You're such a dazzling little girl Kisses!! I love you!

September 10, 2011

Goodbye Kisses

Yes, it's that time.

 Kisses was adopted today!

 I am happy she has found a family but am so sad to see her go. As many of you know, she was a truly special little girl and I will miss her dearly. Today was exactly 12 weeks after the first day i met that adorable little girl. After many trips to and from work with me, many lap naps with her, several struggles and sleepless nights of bottle feeding and all, I can say I would do it all over again just to savor those precious moments again. But...she deserves her forever family and I have to think of her, not me.

 I am confident that this girl went to a wonderful family and I am hoping to get updates and pictures of her as she adjusts to a new home. She will have a doggie friend and 2 other kitties to live with. I think she will enjoy it all.

 I will be sure to share any updates that I get from her new family. Good luck Kisses. I hope you have a wonderful life baby girl!

September 9, 2011

Who's feeling kipper??

 So who want's to know how my little Kipper is doing?

 I am proud to say this little tiger is GREAT! He's still chugging along, getting playful and even has a little pot belly now! He's eating on his own quite well and is such a little love bug. This boy was not going to give up, and I wasn't gonna let him. I am so happy to say that I have no doubt that he will be a perfectly happy and healthy little boy in no time, cuz he's alomst there! I'm giving him antibiotics for his cold, and still giving him his vitamins just in case, but I have been able to stop several other meds, ointments and fluids with no problem. =)

 I had Kipper isolated from the other kittens since he was new, and had the sniffles. But Kipper had another idea. Two nights ago, he squeezed out of his crate and I awoke to find him romping around with the other kittens in my room. I have to say, it was quite adorable and I was so happy to see him playing and acting like a normal kitten! Him and Mackenzie decided that they would both go back into his crate and cuddle in his bed afterwards. So I think they are going to be BFFs ;)

 So now that you guys know he is doing wonderfully and is looking better each day, you wanna see him right?? =)

Look at the new and improved KIPPER!!

His eyes are no longer gooping up and his 2nd eyelids have gone done.
His face is filling in a bit as he gains weight too! He may actually look
like a normal kitten soon! WOOOT

And OMG look at that round little tummy! You go Kipper!!

Keep on truckin' buddy. I'm rootin' for ya!

September 5, 2011

Not always rainbows and sunshine...

I have yet to introduce...

A very special little guy.

Kipper came to the shelter with several other kitties. most of which were not in the greatest of health. Unfortunately, this little guy had the worst of it. Believe it or not, this picture was taken today, after several days of nursing him back to health. If you had seen this boy the first night he was here, it would have brought tears to your eyes as it did mine.
I decided to bring Kipper home even though I had 5 others, because I could not bear to think of what may happen to him had I left him alone that night. Kipper was extremely underweight, dehydrated, listless and showing severe Upper Respiratory Infection signs. His eyes were swollen, full of pus and glued completely shut. He was 10oz of nothing but skin and bones. When I checked on him last Wednesday night, he was laying limp and quiet. I knew then that if I didn't take him home, I would likely come back to a lifeless kitten on the morning.

I scooped this little guy up and brought him into the vet treatment area. The vet staff were already gone for the night. I should have been gone myself, but I just couldn't leave without checking on this little one first. I immediately gave him fluids, force fed him a bit, washed the diarrhea off of him and gave him a boost of vitamins and some meds. After that, I made him a nice warm rice pack and snuggled him into a carrier to take him home.

I continued to syringe feed him through the night, hoping I would wake to a half-way normal acting kitten. And that I did! I awoke to his little self screaming for attention and food! Just one night of pumping him full of goodies and he was almost like brand new!

I have continued to give him fluids daily as well as vitamins and meds for his eyes and tummy, and he has continued to do better and better. His eyes stay open and no longer glue shut at night. He cries for attention and has even started to purr for me! I have faith that this little one will soon be a beautiful,bouncy little boy! Wish him luck =)

Full House!

 I have been slacking on keeping you all posted on the kittehs here. This is NOT because there isn't much going on.

 Everyone knows Kisses right? ;) Well she got spayed and is waiting for her furrever family now. i will be keeping her until they come along. She is doing great and growing like crazy! She's still spunky as ever, as if nothing ever happened. No worries about this girl, she's a tank!

 As for the other little ones...

There's Lulu!
This little one came in by herself a couple of weeks ago. I quickly found her a friend...

It's Tolley!
He came in the same day as Lulu. They were both lonely sin gletons crying for attention. So I gave them each other, and brought them home ;)



Mackenzie and Cherry!
(tortie)        (orange)

These girls were irresistable. Just a wee bit bigger than the previous two. But barely! I had to bring them home too! Unfortunately, these guys were all a bit too small for me to leave at the shelter overnight, so I either had to find a foster for them immediately, or take them myself. And of course...I TOOK THEM! =)

What an adorable little family! look at Kisses playing Big Sis! =)

August 26, 2011

I'm a Big Girl Now!

Kisses is growing like a weed, whether I want her to or not. I can't believe it, but she is over 2lbs now! This means that she has reach the milestone...the top of the hill...the time to find a family of her own. I knew this time would come, but boy does it seem like it came too soon!

 Kisses has been one special kitten. I've fostered kittens from birth to adult cats for over 5 years now. I have fond memories of them all, but every once in a while you get one that just has something more. Kisses is definitely one of those.

Let's relive her journey...

Kisses came into the shelter at a mere 2 weeks old, by herself, no siblings. She was brought to me carried in a coworkers shirt. Of course everyone knows that I am the major sucker for these eensy ones. I saw her adorable little face, her bright eyes, and pudgy belly and was instantly smitten! I couldn't help but take her home. Unfortunately, the alternative would have been euthanasia.

I brought Kisses to and from work with me everyday for several weeks. She became a celebrity amongst the shelter employees. Everyone always asked about her, held her, kissed her and oogled over her cuteness. I fed her during my breaks an she had lunch with me everyday.

After having Kisses for a couple of weeks, Dog-A-Thon came along. We met the itty bitty kitties and spent some time answering phones at Laurie's..
Kisses was the teeniest kitten ever on the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee's Dog-A-Thon fundraiser set!

Even Laurie adored Kisses! And with her camera and amazing photography skills she captured the cutest pictures of my little one!

Kisses wasn't even a handful of kitty yet!

Kisses was off to a slow start, being orphaned so young, and it took her a bit to pack on the pounds...err...ounces. But after a few weeks she was developing into an adorably pot bellied little angel!
She quickly went from all head..

To all belly...

As she got bigger...

And bigger...


Now here we are, a whole 10 weeks after our first meeting, and little Kisses has grown into a sweet, spunky, independant little stink! And I love her to pieces! She deserves the most amazing family and I will have her until they come along. Wish her luck!

Kisses, I love you!

Kitten In My Pocket (1)

Kitten In My Pocket (1)

August 19, 2011

The Best Of Griffey

So handsome

Kisses has to show who's boss

i don't think Griffey is at all intimidated
I love this boy!

August 18, 2011

Who Loves A Poly??

 As some of you may know, I do not only foster the itty bitties. There's always a need to help the bigger kitties too! So meet...

Isn't he handsome??

But wait...

Look at those toes!!

That's right, he's polydactyl. Those mitts sure are something! There's not only one extra toe, but two! I happen to think it's adorable!!
Stay tuned to see what Kisses thinks of him ;)

Sugar & The Tortie Girls

Sugarplum and the tortie girls (Paris & Brooklyn) were brought backt ot he shelter and went out for adoption yesterday. Paris and Sugar found a home together almost instantly! Brroklyn is awaiting her loving furrever family now. I'm sure her cute little self will be adopted in no time. Wish her luck!!

August 11, 2011

Kisses Cuddles With Camden

At first I thought, OMG how cute..Camden fell asleep on the couch and looked so precious. Then I realized Kisses was laying with him and about squeeled to death! Is this not the most precious thing ever! She figured this was the only oppurtunity to catch him holding still for a bit. =)

Life Can't get any cuter for me =)

August 9, 2011

The Many Faces of Sugarplum

Don't even think about it


Whaddya want?

That's interesting O.o

Aww come on Ichiro! What was THAT!??

August 8, 2011



Kittens are living beings, fragile and impressionable.
You must use extreme when handling kittens. They often have random bursts of energy, resulting in swats at moving objects of any size shape or color, extreme acrobatics, and even sneak attacks from behind furniture! Please take precaution and use all safety materials and/or clothing when interacting with foster kittens. I warn you now, if you do not...

This could happen to your child!

Erratic, unprotected kitten interaction can often lead to unannounced happiness in children. Symptoms are laughing, giggling, loss of breath from such, redness in the face and uncontrolable goofiness. Please seek a prefessional IMMEDIATELY if this happens to your child!

August 6, 2011

Oodles of Fosters!

 I know I've been slacking on keeping you all posted on the babies. So now I get to bombard you with all that I have going on now!

The two fluffy tortie girls are doing great! They are still a bit scared but don't hiss much. One is a bit more friendly than the other, and she is now letting me pick her up without a problem! They love to run around and play together. I dunno if they should be split up. They're best buds!

Im sure everyone's dying to hear about Kisses. =)
Kisses is getting fat! She's eating well on her own and runs around the house like she owns the place. She's such a spunky little thing. She loves to play with any and EVERYTHING. The other kittens, my dogs, her toys, herself...anything! She's so much fun. She is now 1lb 6oz! It's crazy to think that when I brought her home she was only 6oz!

These were all taken in about a 15 minute time spn mind you!

Buddy, the adult kitty I had brought home with a broken leg, unfortunately was not healing and had to have the leg amputated =( Although it's disappointing that he had to lose the leg, he is healing wondefully and is still the sweetest thing EVER! I don't know that I can give this boy up! He loves to lounge on my bed all day and headbutt me for attention when I lay in bed. Ugh, he's a wonderful kitty. I have obviously interacted with ALOT of kitties and there's just something special about Buddy. *sigh*

And THEN....

I have a newbie =)


This is Kisses' new BFF! She is such a doll! She purrs nonstop and rubs all over you for attention. It's amazing how much charm comes out of little self! Kisses' LOVES her too! =)


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